Hard or Soft Pretzels?

A few moons back, I got into one of those fun, yet inane, online debates over whether soft or hard pretzels are better. I honestly didn’t think there was any debate on the matter as I always felt soft pretzels were infinitely superior.

Nothing against hard pretzels—they are also a great snack. Just not enough that I’m salivating every time I walk by them in the grocery store.

Everything was going along as goofy you might expect it would (and surprisingly polite), when someone in the hard pretzel category commented:

“People who like soft pretzels are really just craving a bagel.”

That one, single comment has burrowed into my mind and hasn’t left.

Side note, apparently my other issue is I haven’t had the hard pretzel brands from Pennsylvania, who have the “best” ones. I’m on it.

It’s amazing. You go through your whole life having a strong opinion about something, even feeling a personal preference for it… and along comes a single comment for consideration that shatters it.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had more of these moments?