I spent more time in school, as a student, than I care to admit. Now, as a teacher and infoglot, this shouldn’t be something to look down upon and I certainly don’t denigrate anybody looking to get educated.
I loved every moment within my many years of education, even wishing there could’ve been a way to be a lifelong student (there is–you just need to marry someone rich).
However, learning happens outside of the classroom walls and a part of me feared leaving its familiarity for the unknown. It was an attempt to hide for as long as possible.
When the realization set in, it was time to break comfort zones and embark on adventures that would put me in touch with something else. I spent a lot of time volunteering for programs that assisted the most vulnerable and in need, while participating in events run by organizations seeking change.
My social circles expanded to get a taste of many different strata of society, becoming familiar with how they all work. It re-enforced my idea to be an educator, which was largely decided based on my passion for learning, as a way to expand horizons for future students. It isn’t necessarily to be a guide (my scope is limited), but to get them in touch with those who can guide and mentor.
Admitting to what I was hiding from is the moment I set myself free.
Anytime I feel a reluctance to venture out from my position, it could be an effort to hide something. The question is always what and the answer is to face it.