How Do We Re-Imagine the World?

It’s no surprise the systems running our world have reached their end. They are no longer sufficient, or even appropriate, to help us into tomorrow.

We are on the cusp of a paradigm shift, but have no vision of what the shift looks like.

The problem is our interconnected planet and the moving parts that make our society function is so complex, nobody really has a big picture. This makes it difficult for those who have a vision for tomorrow to rally others because their vision is limited.

What’s concerning is humanity has this habit of waiting until our backs are right up against the wall before we act. It’s amazing to see what we do, but we always wait until that point.

Perhaps it’s time we felt that crunch now.

I would like to see us feeling like it’s a do or die situation and build a new vision. Let’s transform the endless Internet rage and pointless arguments into conversations.

Let’s finally use the tools at our disposal to create the society these tools are capable of building.

Let’s stop saying, “this is a solution to all our problems” and instead say, “this is a solution to one of our issues.”

Then we can start seeing the world of tomorrow.