How to Relax Your Brain

It’s not very relaxing if you’re lying on a hammock thinking about everything that’s stressing you out. Nor is it a break to take a walk while still mulling over the problem that’s been antagonizing you.

We’re told countless times we need to relax and research shows we make connections in our brains when it has time to do so. That’s why our eureka moments typically happen when we’re in the shower or sleeping at night.

Whenever I run dry on ideas for what to write about on this site, I go play with my kids. I’m guaranteed to get at least three post ideas in the process.*

Playing is the ultimate form of creativity and relaxation. Your mind is focused on enjoying the moment while your body is getting exercise. Even in the dead of winter of Canada, where just looking out the window is enough to make you want to cocoon yourself in thermal sleeping bags, a few minutes playing outside does wonders.

Magnus Carlsen, the highest rated chess grandmaster in history, used this technique in his World Champion game in 2013. He made some serious errors in his first few games against the current champion, his nerves getting the better of him.

Rather than force him to study hard at night to regain his focus, his parents played cards, goofed around and got him to relax. He came back the third day and started dominating.

When you need to relax your brain, go play.

*Prior to kids, I would call a friend and throw a ball, play some soccer, or grab a hacky sack and get moving.