It Starts With Self-Reflection

Honesty with ourselves is the hardest act to follow through on.

Even with an anonymous survey, we are caught putting answers we wish our best selves would do, thereby skewering the results we need to see.

If we can push beyond the critical eye upon which we were raised and which we judge ourselves, we will know where we stand.

This is the real form of self-reflection.

For years, I always assumed the extrovert personality. Being comfortable with people and enjoying the company of many, it seemed like a natural fit. Heck, even my role as chaplain and teacher was a poignant indicator of this assumption.

It wasn’t until I took an assessment test with total honesty that my worldview turned on itself.

I am an introvert.

In the realm of Myers-Briggs, I join the tribe of INFJs… otherwise nicknamed The Counsellors (or Advocates depending on who is administering). Reading the results suddenly made all the sense in the world.

It explained my attraction to mysticism, contemplation, meditation and helping others.

The way forward suddenly became clear as I was better able to get a handle on my own false-self assumptions. The feeling was a mix between satisfaction and understanding.

It made all the difference in the world.

Self-reflection will get you a better handle on yourself, but only if you’re honest.