The Curse of the Rose Coloured Glasses

To look upon the past as a flowery memory littered with only the idealist mindset is to completely ignore reality.

While we have some verisimilitude of the horrendous experiences we wish nobody should be exposed to, these are more useful than the rose coloured glasses.

There never was a golden era of our life where all was perfect. To speak of our pasts as an example for today is a disservice to the masses who don’t understand the struggles that went along with it.

An unfocused student has always been an issue which is evidenced with the passing of notes and constant daydreaming. Those activities have been replaced by a visual representation through the use of technology.

We’ve never been able to ‘solve’ education any more than we’ve been able to ‘solve’ parenting. All of it is a work in progress.

Our politicians continue to mock and badger each other as they always have, while citizens bemoan the lack of jobs and misuse of tax payer dollars.

Today is the best it’s going to get and perhaps it’s time to look to the future with those rose coloured lenses.

We can fool ourselves of our past, but we would be fools to not idealize our future.