On Getting Robbed

Yesterday, by accident, I left the car door unlocked before going to bed at night.

In the morning when I opened the door to the car, I saw that somebody had ransacked it. Unfortunately, it’s not the first time it’s happened (and you’d think I’d learn my lesson by now… even living in a very nice neighbourhood).

Now, the thing with being robbed, is it’s not so much the losing of the stuff because items can be replaced. In fact, one of my good friends gave a talk about why being robbed was one of the best things that happened to him.

For my wife and I, it’s the feeling of violation.

You see, when I went to the car, they didn’t take anything.


Even the spare change in the console was left there, but everything was torn apart and thrown over. I guess they were looking for a quick grab, but all they could find was children’s stuff… which was actually the most valuable thing in the car…but I digress.

The whole crappy part of the day was knowing that somebody, or a few people, had gone through all our personal stuff and ripped it apart. It feels weird to spend time in the car knowing it happened.

And it feels strange. It’s just, not a good feeling.

Of course I’ll be sure to keep the car locked and double check it again at night. I’m tired of making that mistake.

I also hope whoever did it gets what’s coming to them.

It’s just the feeling of being violated. That sucks more than anything else.