Pulp Era Writing Tips Book Review

Editor: Bryce Beattie

This isn’t a book, but a collection of articles curated by the editor with a few of his own thoughts thrown in. I have to hand it to Beattie for managing to find these and put them together in a way that is logical and insightful.

As someone who has taken a keen interest in the pulp fiction style of writing that marked publishing for several decades (and in many ways is coming back now with indie publishing), I am always on the lookout for their advice. After all, these were people who considered writing their job and would sit at their desk for eight hours a day, everyday, pumping out stories.

Stories that sell.

The usefulness of any non-fiction book to me is if I find a gem that changes my thinking or sparks my imagination in new ways. While there is much to sift through, my kindle has a slew of highlights and notes, each one with some addendum such as, “That’s brilliant!” or *smacks forehead at such a good idea.*

Yes, you could find these articles for free online somewhere if you’re willing to dig. However, given the very specific nature of what is being offered, would you really know what search parameters were needed?

This is a solid investment and I’m thankful for Beattie for putting it together.