Sacrifice to Enjoy Luxuries

To enjoy the luxuries in life, upfront sacrifices need to be made.

Enjoying a guilt-free meal at a fast food restaurant involves many hours of sacrifice in the gym. A body that doesn’t hate you later in life also involves incredible amounts of hours taking care of it now.

A trip to somewhere enjoyable involves sacrificing stuff to buy now so you can have enough when you get here.

Many hours of sacrifice with studying and hustling results in a bigger payoff later in life. The payoff isn’t always monetary either.

Spending endless hours practicing a craft, sacrificing all the time and effort without any sign of results, will eventually payoff. It’s could be eight years… it could be twenty… or more.

Being able to sacrifice now, and the willingness to be patient, will allow you to enjoy luxuries later in life.

The instant gratification and the rush to do it now will only leave you with regrets.