Sleep Your Way to Success

My first published book, “How to Slack Your Way to Success,” is a prime example of a work of its time. Subsequently, it’s been taken off the market for that very reason.

If I were to rewrite that book today, it would follow the clickbait title of this article.

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated—both in quantity and quality. The research done and continues in this area consistently shows the benefits (and necessity) of a good night’s rest:

Increased cognitive function
Better health (mentally and physically)
Emotional health
…and the list goes on

It’s the one part of the human condition we need to have mastery over to really gain the full enjoyment of life. If we can figure this part out, then we’ve actually figured out many other parts of our life. It’s the biggest bang for our buck.

Perhaps the most important reason is a consistent good night’s sleep might help us wake up to the reality that most of what bothers us, doesn’t really matter at all.