Solving the World’s Problems

It seems that whenever we speak about a major issue (one affecting hundreds of millions to billions of people), the conversation is pretty casual.

These are solutions presented as if two friends are meeting for a cup of tea and it just occurs to one of them while munching on a biscuit we should make some change. The other replies with an affirmative and they continue to go on and sip tea while thinking of other matters.

When somebody approaches us with passion, we take a step back and placate the person without any intention of following through.

Have we really become so numb?

During the Cold War, the U.S. was ferverently working with its scientists to catch-up and surpass their Soviet counterparts in the space race. There was no idle time for these brilliant people.

In times of war, not a single citizen stood idle.

The immediate threat of our own demise and way of life is one way to rally people to solve worldwide issues. Another way is to put individuals on the chomping block for deciding the future of humanity.

If we can get the importance of our actions and decisions on the shoulders of every person, understanding the well-being of others affects our own, we will approach our world issues with fervor.

Then we can be serious about solving problems.