Sometimes You Have to Blow Up Your Life

In connecting with yesterday’s post, I have to give a nod to Sasha Chapin who wrote something during my time of reflection that still sits with me.

Sometimes, you have to blow up your life.

Set it on a new course.

Maybe not completely new, but enough of a nudge that it will end up somewhere else.

I recall at a wedding many moons ago, one of my closest friends (who was in a happy state of mind at this point) commented that I was a person willing to put himself in unknown places just to seek fulfillment. Or maybe it was happiness. I can’t remember, but I consider the terms interchangeable.

It was a note worthy comment because I had never considered that’s what I was actually doing. I always chalked it up to being a young, wanderlust adventurer who wanted to experience as much life as possible. This is something you do until your life hits a plateau and then you chill out.

However, my line of thinking presents two conundrums:
1. Life never hits a plateau.
2. Not everyone is in a position to abdicate any and all responsibilities.

What is interesting to note is anybody who has hit a good place in their life took at least one blind leap of faith. At some point, there were decisions with considerable uncertainty behind them and it was a matter of trusting whether it would work out or not.

This not only applies to material comfort, but also emotional, mental, spiritual and community.

Yes, some people are born with it all, but keeping it and growing it are still matters of choice. There are still times when you have to blow things up—even just a little bit.

Perhaps one of my more life experienced readers can let me know if there actually is a point where you can stop doing this and coast along the lazy river. I can only speak from a limited perspective and an even more limited perspective of observation.

In the meantime, I will look ahead and consider what things I should blow up right now and trust it will work out.