Story Driven Book Review

Author: Bernadette Jiwa
Book Link

On the recommendation of Seth Godin, I picked this up, however, it wasn’t quite what I expected.

It’s a marketing book, but not quite a how-to guide. Rather, Jiwa clearly articulates the need to tell your (or your business’) story as the core of what you do.

There were a few gems to walk away with, especially in the first part of the book. My favourite is your marketing should be an amplification of your story, not a manipulation of it.

When you revolve your business around your story, the marketing stands on its own. One example is Steve Jobs demanding the circuit boards in Apple’s devices look good and have symmetry even though nobody would ever see them.

The second part of the book spends its time analyzing many different businesses and their stories. While it was nice to see a variety, my eyes were glazing over pouring through all of them.

Overall, some solid takeaways and a refreshing discourse to hear rather than the glut of business books that focus your attention to one particular strategy and tactic.