The Colour of Magic Book Review

Author: Terry Pratchett

It’s been some time since I dug into the “Wow, why haven’t you read this yet?” list.

All I kept hearing is how awesome Pratchett is and how Discworld is a brilliant series, especially if you’re looking for that off-beat type of humour.

Which, of course, I do.
And I love.
So I finally did.

In some ways, I’m glad I read this when I was older. I loved the quirkiness and playful way it was written. Age and experience allowed me the opportunity to see it all.

In other ways, I’m disappointed I didn’t read this when I was younger. Younger me would’ve devoured this entire series pretty quickly… with the added caveat of missing some of the humour.

Which would be unfortunate because there are some great one-liners in here.

However, there’s so much to love about this book regardless of the age you read it. In a time just before fantasy wasn’t considered publishable unless it hit that 100k mark (and nothing happened for 80k of that), this is a fun foray into the genre.

You get everything about what makes fantasy great, without all the padding and without taking itself too seriously.

I look forward to the day when I can dive back into this world and devour some more of it, taking time to really appreciate everything Pratchett created. In the meantime, I’m left with a good memory from a literary giant who was rightfully honoured for his work.