We Are All Made of Molecules Book Review

Author: Susin Nielsen
Book Link

In an effort to read books my students might find interesting… or at least interesting enough to get past the first three lines… this gem was recommended to me.

If you’ve ever raised or worked with teenagers, reading this is a combination of hilarity and frustration. Hilarity because it encapsulates a teenager’s thought process almost perfectly and frustration because it encapsulates a teenager’s thought process almost perfectly.

For those of you who have ever tried to reason with a young adult, you’ll know what the above statement means.

The story follows from the perspective of two young people: Fourteen year old Ashley and thirteen year old Stewart. Stewart is gifted and has little to no social wherewithall whereas Ashley is on the top of the social ladder and judges others appropriately.

It’s the story of two families coming together and the challenges that come with having your entire life uplifted.

I managed to power through this book, finding moments in my day (and I do mean moments) where I could read a few more lines. Nielsen’s writing was compelling and addictive with the words leaping off the page as I became gripped into the drama unfolding.

There is no hesitation for me to recommend this book to any young person. Not only would they connect to the themes presented, but they may gain an insight into themselves.