Web of the City Book Review

Author: Harlan Ellison
Book Link

It’s no secret I am a rabid fan of Harlan Ellison. Nobody has influenced my view on literature more than him, even if this secretly has more to do with hearing an outspoken individual rant against stupidity.

His style of writing, unfortunately, would fall on deaf ears to today’s mass audience given its verbose vocabulary steeped in poetic tones. Then again, he’s also been credited with creating the word “bugfuck.”

Web of the City is his first (and very few) full length novels. It chronicles his time spent undercover in a street gang in New York and was written while he was in the military.

FYI – his writing occurred at the end of the day (after intense training), in the bathroom, with a wooden plank and typewriter on his lap. To any modern writer complaining they don’t have time, are too tired, or <insert special snowflake circumstance here>, your excuse is invalid.

So – is it any good?

It’s the beginnings of the Harlan Ellison I fell in love with and a story that’s neat to follow (albeit sensationalized), but not something I would recommend for someone unfamiliar with his work.

All together rough around the edges, but hey, it’s Ellison.

And he’s won more awards and published more works than a mere mortal would consider possible.

Thus, who am I to judge?