Deconstructing Reality

I hope somebody out there can call me out and correct me on this one.

It is my contention that nobody has reality figured out and at best, we’re making careful observations to make educated guesses. It seems that just as we are just about to unearth some new truth, new evidence arrives to put that excitement down.

Yet, I’m baffled by the number of people who want to peddle themselves as sages with definite answers. Yes, there is a trust in mentors and those who have experience behind them… whom we really should be paying attention to more often… but even they can only present a sliver of reality.

We’re in a desperate need to stand on something solid, but that doesn’t exist. It gives us comfort to think that way, but life is really just standing on a table that is rolling on marbles.

Dealing with that fact has led many of us astray and into pits of despair. We expect the rolling to stop and we expect to get off the table at some point, but it just doesn’t happen.

We are constantly told, “this is the solution! Really — this is it! Research backs it up!”

For reality to work that way, it would need to plateau and stop changing. If that happened, we would be missing out on the beauty of change.

So no, research does not back it up and whatever we’re thinking is not the solution.

But that’s not a bad thing.