The Infinite Sea Book Review

Author: Rick Yancey
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After reading the first book in the series, I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to continue. However, there were enough hanging threads to keep me going.

I would categorize this book in two parts.

Part 1 – Tie together the previous book and setup the third.

Part 2 – The adventure of Ringer.

Part two is where this book really picks up and provides the payoff to the reader for continuing the series. It has its adventuresome and action packed sequences, but these are secondary to the mysteries that unfold and other mysteries that show up.

It gets dark as the hope for humanity dwindles in its survival and Yancey’s portrayal of what it means to be human. It is not a pleasant picture, which gives something for the reader to struggle through.

There was enough in here to keep someone interested until part three, at which point, you’re committed to the end. It’s quite the ride.