Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Author: Jonathan Safran Foer

I really didn’t think I would like this book. Avant-garde writing isn’t my cup of tea, but I gave it a chance under the recommendation of a trusted colleague.

I’m glad I stuck with it because I was treated to a heart-warming story that hooked me by the halfway point.

You get used to the stream-of-writing style and a large part of that is the crafted execution of Foer. Believing the main narrator is nine-years old? Yeah… I can suspend some semblance of reality on that one.

The style? Yes.
The language and thinking? Not so much.

Maybe I forgot what it was like to be that age or perhaps that is the mind of a nine-year old, but not one I’ve met.

Still, the book comes together in a satisfying way and I’m happy to have been there the whole way through. It’s opened up a gateway to other books like it.