Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff

Author: Christopher Moore

There is something irreverent, but oh so entertaining, about reading a fictional account of religious history–especially when it’s attempted as a humorous one.

Kevin Smith gave us Dogma, complete with Rufus the 13th Apostle and Alanis Morissette as God. Highly entertaining.

And here we have Biff: Jesus’ childhood pal who can fill us in on those missing years (12-30).

“Are you okay?”

My wife would often ask me this as I was reading because my chuckles would turn to snorts, and then full on belly laughs. The last time a book caught me off guard with this amount of tear-inducing humour was Year Zero by Rob Reid… and I read that before I was married.

Moore manages to take some common theories of Jesus and interplay them with a narrative told through an unlikely narrator.

While religious scholars may scoff at the brazen attempt of a quasi-historical account of Jesus’ life, you can’t miss the forest for the trees on this one. It’s not mean to be a history book, or a thought provoking manifesto (although it is thought provoking in many ways).

Instead, it’s a highly entertaining book meant for those can roll with its ridiculousness.