Last Dragon Standing Book Review

Author: Rachel Aaron

It took me a while to start reading the final book in this series. Not from a lack of desire, but more from a need to read many other works beforehand. This particular series has been a pleasure read of mine since Aaron introduced it four years ago.

This book is a departure from the innocent fun of the first one, Nice Dragon’s Finish Last, but still retains its young adult nature. All the characters feel familiar even if they are jaded by the events happening, which includes… well… the entire universe ending.

If you’ve read the Eli Monpress series, you’re already familiar with the setup. I was really hoping it wouldn’t be more of the same as the buildup was suggesting it would be. Thankfully, there were just enough surprises to differentiate the two. For that reason, and the obvious fact Aaron planned out this story arc meticulously to come to a satisfying conclusion, it was a welcome finale.

To say anything more about the book would be to spoil its plot and anything that came beforehand. There were no disappointments about this series and now that it’s complete, a new reader can happily binge on it.