Your Heart on Your Sleeve

What makes the music of Joni Mitchell emotionally provocative?

There’s something about the way she writes and sings that has you believe every single word coming out of her mouth, telling a story that’s not just hers — but yours. She is joined by a few others and most artists have at least one song that can reach this emotional apex.

It’s the same trait a select few writers have (Paulo Coelho comes to mind) alongside a host of actors and actresses, painters, speakers, teachers, craftsmen and leaders.

They come to their art with their hearts on their sleeves.

They are willing to dig deep and unearth many of the emotions many of us are afraid to show. They are willing to be judged by what they have to offer and let the world trample on it if its rejected. You believe them because they’re not trying to sound deep, but they’re giving from the deepest wells of their hearts.

There’s nothing to search for within them because they’ve laid it all out.

It’s the reason we can come to their work decades (even centuries) later and still feel connected.

We are capable of it as well if we’re willing to get over our terrifying fears of it.

It may be the key to reaching out to people who need to hear your message.