The Alchemyst Book Review

Author: Michael Scott
Book Link

I was expecting a fun, young adventure book with fantasy elements. Instead, I ignored my duties for a night and stayed up until 2am to finish this in one sitting.

Scott has managed to take everything I loved and studied as a young teenager and wrap it up in a story. Nicholas Flamel (the historical one), the Book of Abraham the Mage, the Codex and Dr. John Dee all play a prominent role in this plot, which is where I geeked out.

The main characters, twins Josh and Sophie Newman, are something to be desired. They’re built up to be important, but felt like secondary characters in the grand scheme of things. I’m assuming there will be more character development in the coming books, which I’ll be reading.

The world building outside of the historical elements is outstanding. You can feel Scott spent time to put life into the world and great attention was paid to each detail, so nothing was out of place.

I look forward to finishing out this series.